
Stop & Listen

When was the last time you were still long enough to hear God’s voice?

Facebook Memory: March 14, 2022

What do you hear?

Sometimes I find myself moving a mile a minute – busy with this, thinking about that, trying to figure things out on my own. Then, after I’m good and frustrated, I hear, “STOP. Listen.” Ha! That’s when I hear God’s voice.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy your day!♥️



Living In Intentionality

If more kindness, love, light, peace, humility, compassion, empathy, hope and so forth is what I seek, I must be intentional about putting it into the atmosphere. I have to do more to make sure it is seen and shared, whether I am the one creating the content or sharing someone else’s. I know I won’t always get it right. However, I am willing to try. I refuse to believe there are more bad things happening in the world than good. The good just are not being highlighted enough.

Here is a quote from another fav of mine, President Barack Obama.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

President Barack Obama

I have to be intentional about promoting the change I am seeking.

Wishing you a lovely week!♥️

Be Blessed,



Your “Yes”

When you tell God “Yes,” be prepared for whatever comes.

In case you didn’t know, it was your “Yes” that set everything in motion. It was your “Yes” that ignited it all. It was your “Yes” that had you believe all things were possible. Now, it’s your “Yes” that will allow you to experience God’s glory.

Bet you didn’t know your “Yes” was so powerful. Smile♥️



Good Night

Attempting to wind down but the song, “My Testimony,” by Marvin Sapp keeps playing over and over in my head. I guess my soul is having its own late night praise and worship session. The song says:

So if you see me cry
it’s just a sign that I’m,
I’m still alive,
oh yeah, I got some scars,
but I’m still alive
In spite of calamity
He still has a plan for me
And it’s working for my good
and it’s building my testimony

Y’all, I made it! I actually made it through. When I look back over my life and all the things I have gone through; things that should have taken me out; things that made me want to quit; all I can do is praise God.

Y’all, I made it!!!

Blessed and grateful…

God is good.

Praying you have a restful night.♥️

Love you,
