
Stop & Listen

When was the last time you were still long enough to hear God’s voice?

Facebook Memory: March 14, 2022

What do you hear?

Sometimes I find myself moving a mile a minute – busy with this, thinking about that, trying to figure things out on my own. Then, after I’m good and frustrated, I hear, “STOP. Listen.” Ha! That’s when I hear God’s voice.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy your day!♥️



Living In Intentionality

If more kindness, love, light, peace, humility, compassion, empathy, hope and so forth is what I seek, I must be intentional about putting it into the atmosphere. I have to do more to make sure it is seen and shared, whether I am the one creating the content or sharing someone else’s. I know I won’t always get it right. However, I am willing to try. I refuse to believe there are more bad things happening in the world than good. The good just are not being highlighted enough.

Here is a quote from another fav of mine, President Barack Obama.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

President Barack Obama

I have to be intentional about promoting the change I am seeking.

Wishing you a lovely week!♥️

Be Blessed,



Prayers for Strength, Guidance and Patience

The quote below was taken from a book of encouraging words my mom had written a while back. Thought I would also include guidance and patience because all three are definitely needed—strength, guidance, and patience.♥️ ~Shaun

Praying for strength, guidance, and patience while waiting for the right solution.


Settling Is Easy

Settling for life as it is is much easier than putting in effort to change. Settling is what you eventually look back on thinking, “I should’ve,” “I could’ve,” or “I wish I would’ve.” But… you didn’t!

Facebook Memory: May 2, 2022

Settling is easy. Going after your dream takes time, patience, confidence and courage. Please don’t shortchange yourself because you’re too impatient or too discouraged to wait. You owe it to yourself to become and have everything you’ve ever dreamed.♥️

Yes, settling is easy. It’s easy because it gives you momentary satisfaction. It allows you to sit comfortably and cozy while life and time passes by. But, guess what? That desire for what you truly want, never leaves. Nope. It just lies dormant waiting for the craziest moment to reappear. You know, that moment when you have finally come to terms with this is my life. Then BAM! It’s back!

My advice, do not settle. Yes, the journey may be more difficult than you imagined. However, if there is a dream that continuously nags at you, keep pursuing it. Listen, rest if and when you must, then get back to it. I don’t know about you, but I would rather spend my life chasing my dreams than get to the end and wish that I would have kept trying.

That’s all for now. Wishing you a beautifully blessed day.♥️

Love you,
