
Are You All In?

Listen, I couldn’t help but smile when I came across one of today’s Facebook memories (included at the end). My only response when I shared the post seven years ago was, “I’m ALL IN!”

Thinking back, I thought being committed to the process would be a cakewalk. That being “ALL IN” meant it was only up from there. It’s funny how I did not account for the unpredictability of life. Nah… when I said I was all in, I just knew I would conquer every obstacle successfully the first time. Laughing because I had no idea of the roller coaster ride that was ahead. No idea that I would go through some of the same experiences (different situations with different people) multiple times before I could actually move forward. I didn’t know that I would self-sabotage opportunities or be used or abandoned by people who I thought had my back. Nah… you see, when I declared I was “all in,” I was at a point in my life where life was good. I was finally coming out of the trenches, and I could only see up from there. And up is where life has gone, but not without a few bumps, hiccups, and lessons along the way.

So, here is what I have learned over the past seven years. Being fully committed is a process. It’s a decision I make daily. No lie. Y’all, there are so many mornings when I wake up motivated and pumped, then by noon I want to throw in the towel because this commitment thing too hard. Listen, when I tell you God loves me! It’s God’s love, patience, presence and guidance that keeps me going. He always sends me just what I need in those moments that give me the strength and confidence to press forward.

Here is something else I have learned. The product of commitment is not for display. It’s not something to take pictures of and post for others to see. No, this commitment is sacred. It’s between myself and God. It’s a space that no one else has access to. Unlike back then, and even up until a year or so ago, I felt the need to show people what God was doing behind the scenes. I thought it was more important for me to show/share what God was doing than to let it happen authentically. I did it to be transparent. I was so big on transparency. Little did I know, my transparency was limiting my experiences with God. I was so focused on sharing the process and my testimonies that I couldn’t fully comprehend or embrace what I was experiencing. Whew! When I tell you I am loving this space I’m in! I am finally in a space where only God and I reside—a space that is exclusively for two. No guests allowed.


Anyway, I believe I have written enough. I may or may not delete a few things. However, I believe leaving it as written is probably the most authentic. So, I’ll keep it all. See how easy that decision was. Smile

Here’s the Facebook memory I have been referring to—“Are You All In?” by Bishop T. D. Jakes.

Facebook Memory: May 5, 2017

My answer is still the same—Yes, I’m all in!

Praying you have a peaceful Sunday. Love you!♥️



Focus On The Promise

Here’s today’s Facebook memory from two years ago.

Facebook Memory: May 3, 2022

How often have you become so distracted by the hows and whens that you lose sight of the promise? Even though you can’t clearly see the outcome, keep believing. Eventually, the promise will come to fruition.♥️

This was two years ago and I still have to remind myself to stay focused on the promise. Unlike then, when I was focused on the how and when, I am now faced with my hesitancy to become uncomfortable. On this side of fifty, I have found myself asking if the promise—my goals, dreams and aspirations—is worth giving up this nice, comfortable space I have created. Believe me, it has been a struggle because the how and when are actually happening now.

I am slowly but surely letting this comfortable space go because I want the promise more than my comfort. Y’all, there is no way God has brought me to the door of the promise and I not walk through it. Nope! Not this time.♥️

This is Year50…



Settling Is Easy

Settling for life as it is is much easier than putting in effort to change. Settling is what you eventually look back on thinking, “I should’ve,” “I could’ve,” or “I wish I would’ve.” But… you didn’t!

Facebook Memory: May 2, 2022

Settling is easy. Going after your dream takes time, patience, confidence and courage. Please don’t shortchange yourself because you’re too impatient or too discouraged to wait. You owe it to yourself to become and have everything you’ve ever dreamed.♥️

Yes, settling is easy. It’s easy because it gives you momentary satisfaction. It allows you to sit comfortably and cozy while life and time passes by. But, guess what? That desire for what you truly want, never leaves. Nope. It just lies dormant waiting for the craziest moment to reappear. You know, that moment when you have finally come to terms with this is my life. Then BAM! It’s back!

My advice, do not settle. Yes, the journey may be more difficult than you imagined. However, if there is a dream that continuously nags at you, keep pursuing it. Listen, rest if and when you must, then get back to it. I don’t know about you, but I would rather spend my life chasing my dreams than get to the end and wish that I would have kept trying.

That’s all for now. Wishing you a beautifully blessed day.♥️

Love you,
