
Living In Intentionality

If more kindness, love, light, peace, humility, compassion, empathy, hope and so forth is what I seek, I must be intentional about putting it into the atmosphere. I have to do more to make sure it is seen and shared, whether I am the one creating the content or sharing someone else’s. I know I won’t always get it right. However, I am willing to try. I refuse to believe there are more bad things happening in the world than good. The good just are not being highlighted enough.

Here is a quote from another fav of mine, President Barack Obama.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

President Barack Obama

I have to be intentional about promoting the change I am seeking.

Wishing you a lovely week!♥️

Be Blessed,



Are You Already There?

God always gives us a glimpse of what destiny spaces may look like—the people, the places, the mindsets, the atmosphere. Sometimes He even allows a test run just to see if it is something we are sure we want, or to get a feel of the environment. As I wrote yesterday, it’s our “yes” that actually sets things in motion.

I am 12 days shy of entering the final month of my Jubilee year. Thanking God for the test run. So grateful He didn’t let me give up. So grateful He kept pushing me forward. I’m blessed.♥️ ~Shaun

Facebook Memories: May 12, 2022

Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
Are you already living it even though you’re nowhere near it?

You can believe until you’re blue in the face. If you can’t see it, you’ll never have it. Just sharing God’s message to me. Thought you could use it too.🤷🏽‍♀️

I am there.🌸

A Reflection: It’s Been Ten Years

In my previous post, I mentioned receiving an invite to a media training that awakened so many dreams. Well, here’s what I wrote afterwards:

Shaun’s Journal Entry: June 3, 2014

New Orleans was definitely a great professional experience. I came back with a sense of worth. I felt like I could actually accomplish my goals. I now have a different outlook on life & my role in this universe. I am destined for greatness & there’s nothing wrong with it. Thank you God for helping me realize my potential. Please give me the knowledge, strength, courage, and intelligence to do things the correct way. I thank you so much for the favor!

Y’all, there are so many key elements in that entry that I had no idea I would struggle with over the years that followed. Didn’t see any of it coming. When I tell you my life was disrupted for real! Whew!! But I made it!!!

One of my biggest struggles, which I believe is the reasoning behind the self-sabotage, is this one statement: “I am destined for greatness…”

Y’all, that was a very bold statement. I saw it. I felt it. And over the years whenever I felt it creeping up again, I would shut it down. Every. Single. Time.

Very interesting revelation, isn’t it? Had no idea I was even doing it.

Moving forward, I am going to keep the same prayer in mind—

God, please give me the knowledge, strength, courage, and intelligence to do things the correct way. Amen

I believe if I make this prayer the center of all future endeavors, I will be okay.

Here’s to 10 years!🎉🎉

Yes… this is Year50…♥️


Here are a few pictures from my trip and the invite from this day ten years ago. Still can’t believe it’s been ten years.


Believe For It

Y’all, I was dead set on not using a Facebook memory from this day for my posts. Well, I guess it’s not about my plans. Being obedient. Laughing

So, I just read my journal entry from two years ago (April 26, 2022) looking for inspiration for this post and it led me right back to the Facebook memory I wasn’t going to share. Here’s what I wrote:

Shaun’s Journal Entry: April 26, 2022

Anyway, last night I was lead to read last year’s journal entry from April 25, 2021 which referred to April 26, 2015. The word was definitely for me – I Believe and God Knows. For almost two weeks or more the song, Believe For It has been stuck in my head and the word “believe” has been on my conscience for days. So when I read “I believe,” I knew this message was for me. So that’s what I shared as today’s quote, “Believe. It’s already done.” I have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s done. Period.

And here’s the Facebook memory from that day.

Facebook Memory: April 26, 2022

Believe it’s already done.
OR.. Believe. It’s already done. Listen, that period makes a difference. It’s assurance that whatever you’re believing for IS already done. You may not see it yet, but it’s done. So stop worrying and start living. It’s done!

Yes, it’s already done!

Have a blessed rest of the day.♥️

Love you,



Second Chances


Do you believe in second chances? Do you believe that missed opportunities actually come around again? Well, I do. I am currently experiencing it. Had no idea it was about to happen. Know this, the dream(s) God placed inside of you will come to pass…when you are ready. You may have thought you missed your chance or fumbled the first opportunity, but you didn’t. The first time was just a test run. Will share more soon.

Listen, I do not care how tempting it is to settle, or how bleak things may seem, do not give up on your dreams. They will happen.

Be Blessed♥️
