
It’s All About Timing

Here’s a memory from five years ago—

Facebook Memory: April 28, 2019

Happy Sunday! Here’s today’s social media find. Remember, you have been planted, not buried. You may not be where you thought you’d be by now, and things may not be going as planned. It’s okay. Don’t give up on your dreams, or settle where you are. Your time is coming. You WILL bloom!

Not sure who to give photo credit to. (Social Media, 2019)

As SpongeBob SquarePants would say—


Yes, it’s been five years and I am still saying the same thing, “Your time is coming.” Also, when I made the original post, I added the hashtags “BePatient,” “GodIsWorking,” “TrustGodsTiming,” and “YourTimeIsComing.”

I know you may feel like the journey has already been much too long. Yeah, I feel it too. However, instead of focusing on the length of time it is taking, think about all of the knowledge and experience you have gained over the years. Think about God’s protection from things that may have destroyed you. Think about all of the beautiful connections you have made, and the ones you had to release. And don’t forget the healing and growth that has taken place. When I tell you your purpose is too great for anything to happen prematurely. Believe me, you are going to bloom…when it’s time. Not a moment too soon or too late, but when it’s your time. Until then, enjoy life and all of God’s blessings and lessons along the way. Love you!♥️



Hello Sunday

Wise words from last year… and I wrote them. Smile

Facebook Memory: April 28, 2022

Set yourself free! Release past hurts, guilt, disappointments and shame. Harboring even the smallest resentment can make it difficult to receive and enjoy blessings. Release opens doors for receiving love, joy, opportunities, and success. Let go and be free!

It’s true, if you want your life to change for the better, you have to let things go. Holding on to past hurts, grudges, disappointments, and even shame, only hurts you. It also stops you from fully growing and receiving all of God’s wonderful blessings. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I don’t only want some of my blessings. No… l want all of my blessings. Every last single one. Smile. Let it go!

On another note— My daughter came home yesterday for her friends’ wedding and is leaving this afternoon. So, I am going to spend as much time as I can loving on her before she leaves. Smiling

Praying you have a wonderful Sunday!♥️

Love you,



Trust & Patience Lead To Peace

Many, many moons ago, I ended my Yahoo emails with the following message:

Trust + Patience = Peace
“Enjoy Life 💖”

Circa 2013/2014

Never once considered that would be the message I would live by.

Trust: I trust God’s love, guidance, and protection. I know He has me in His hands. I’m covered.

Patience: Whew! Never knew I could be so patient, but God did.

Peace: There is nothing like it. I was right. Trust and patience, together, lead to peace.


That last part… “Enjoy Life💖” is my daily goal. Life is short, and I try my best not to waste time in negative spaces or feelings.

Y’all, I am so grateful and blessed that God loves me. He leaves behind the tiniest of gems for me to find when they are needed the most. It’s those gems that keep me trusting Him and His word. It’s those gems that keep me going.♥️

Welcome to my world…



Following God’s Lead

In last year’s blog post I wrote— “You do not have to know where God is taking you; just trust Him to lead.”

Listen, God is the Master of plot twists. For years, you can think your life is headed in one direction only to have it shift in another. I have finally learned to stop trying to guess where He’s taking me—which I now realize was a form of control on my end—and just allow Him to move as He sees fit. All I do now is say, “I see You, God,” and keep on moving. I know He has me in His hands; and wherever He’s taking me is somewhere wonderfully beautiful because He loves me and I trust Him.

My advice. Trust God to lead. Release control and let Him take you wherever He’s taking you—because He’s going to do it anyway. Smile. Resisting only causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. As they say, “Let go and let God.” He knows what’s best and He’s got you! Love you!♥️


Trust Him.

Last year’s blog post:


Believe For It

Y’all, I was dead set on not using a Facebook memory from this day for my posts. Well, I guess it’s not about my plans. Being obedient. Laughing

So, I just read my journal entry from two years ago (April 26, 2022) looking for inspiration for this post and it led me right back to the Facebook memory I wasn’t going to share. Here’s what I wrote:

Shaun’s Journal Entry: April 26, 2022

Anyway, last night I was lead to read last year’s journal entry from April 25, 2021 which referred to April 26, 2015. The word was definitely for me – I Believe and God Knows. For almost two weeks or more the song, Believe For It has been stuck in my head and the word “believe” has been on my conscience for days. So when I read “I believe,” I knew this message was for me. So that’s what I shared as today’s quote, “Believe. It’s already done.” I have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s done. Period.

And here’s the Facebook memory from that day.

Facebook Memory: April 26, 2022

Believe it’s already done.
OR.. Believe. It’s already done. Listen, that period makes a difference. It’s assurance that whatever you’re believing for IS already done. You may not see it yet, but it’s done. So stop worrying and start living. It’s done!

Yes, it’s already done!

Have a blessed rest of the day.♥️

Love you,
