
Believe For It

Y’all, I was dead set on not using a Facebook memory from this day for my posts. Well, I guess it’s not about my plans. Being obedient. Laughing

So, I just read my journal entry from two years ago (April 26, 2022) looking for inspiration for this post and it led me right back to the Facebook memory I wasn’t going to share. Here’s what I wrote:

Shaun’s Journal Entry: April 26, 2022

Anyway, last night I was lead to read last year’s journal entry from April 25, 2021 which referred to April 26, 2015. The word was definitely for me – I Believe and God Knows. For almost two weeks or more the song, Believe For It has been stuck in my head and the word “believe” has been on my conscience for days. So when I read “I believe,” I knew this message was for me. So that’s what I shared as today’s quote, “Believe. It’s already done.” I have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s done. Period.

And here’s the Facebook memory from that day.

Facebook Memory: April 26, 2022

Believe it’s already done.
OR.. Believe. It’s already done. Listen, that period makes a difference. It’s assurance that whatever you’re believing for IS already done. You may not see it yet, but it’s done. So stop worrying and start living. It’s done!

Yes, it’s already done!

Have a blessed rest of the day.♥️

Love you,



Obedience Is Key

Obedience is key to contentment and peace. I believe most people understand what it means to be at peace, but I do not know if many understand the concept of contentment—the state of happiness and satisfaction. I have heard people associate contentment with settling, or the lack of ambition; however, being content is so much more. For me, it’s waking up knowing that God is in control and has me in His hands. That whatever comes or goes, He’s got me. In no way does it mean that I have settled for what is, nor does it mean I do not desire more. No, it means I’m good. I am finally happy with my life.

This morning, I was reminded that I asked for both, peace and contentment; and that’s exactly what I have been gifted. My obedience has afforded me these gifts and I refuse to let them go. I have learned that I don’t have to have all of the answers, or completely understand the assignment to make moves. All I have to do is be obedient and follow God’s guidance, and He will do the rest.

Loving this space I am in. I’m blessed.♥️ ~Shaun

Shared last year on April 24, 2023. I listened.


I know many of you may question some of the things I post about my interactions with God. How He reveals and confirms things. But y’all, it’s so real. He gives me exactly what I need when I need it. Now, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts preached this message months ago. I watched it live. However, the message didn’t hit the same then as it is hitting today. Today, it’s right on time. And yes, it just happened to be the first video on my feed so I clicked it. Needed it!

So, I’m just going to sit it right here. It may or may not be something you need to hear.

“How To Shift Into Your Next Dimension,” by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Wishing you a blessed day!♥️



Stop Running

Here’s one of my Facebook Memories from a year ago.

Facebook Memory: March 8, 2023

It’s not even mid-morning and I have a message:

Stop running from what you’re called to do and where you are called to be. God will equip you with everything you need when you need it. Trust Him.♥️


It’s time to stop running. You already know what you are called to do. Time to do it!

Don’t worry. God’s got you.♥️

Love you,




Facebook Memory: February 27, 2023

Your obedience to God unlocks doors. Be obedient.♥️

Sometimes you have to become quiet so you are better able to hear that still small voice.

As much as we would love to step out on our own, let’s not do so. Let’s remain obedient to God. He holds the keys that will unlock miracles and blessings.

Wishing you peace, love and blessings!♥️
