
Are You Already There?

God always gives us a glimpse of what destiny spaces may look like—the people, the places, the mindsets, the atmosphere. Sometimes He even allows a test run just to see if it is something we are sure we want, or to get a feel of the environment. As I wrote yesterday, it’s our “yes” that actually sets things in motion.

I am 12 days shy of entering the final month of my Jubilee year. Thanking God for the test run. So grateful He didn’t let me give up. So grateful He kept pushing me forward. I’m blessed.♥️ ~Shaun

Facebook Memories: May 12, 2022

Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
Are you already living it even though you’re nowhere near it?

You can believe until you’re blue in the face. If you can’t see it, you’ll never have it. Just sharing God’s message to me. Thought you could use it too.🤷🏽‍♀️

I am there.🌸

Are You All In?

Listen, I couldn’t help but smile when I came across one of today’s Facebook memories (included at the end). My only response when I shared the post seven years ago was, “I’m ALL IN!”

Thinking back, I thought being committed to the process would be a cakewalk. That being “ALL IN” meant it was only up from there. It’s funny how I did not account for the unpredictability of life. Nah… when I said I was all in, I just knew I would conquer every obstacle successfully the first time. Laughing because I had no idea of the roller coaster ride that was ahead. No idea that I would go through some of the same experiences (different situations with different people) multiple times before I could actually move forward. I didn’t know that I would self-sabotage opportunities or be used or abandoned by people who I thought had my back. Nah… you see, when I declared I was “all in,” I was at a point in my life where life was good. I was finally coming out of the trenches, and I could only see up from there. And up is where life has gone, but not without a few bumps, hiccups, and lessons along the way.

So, here is what I have learned over the past seven years. Being fully committed is a process. It’s a decision I make daily. No lie. Y’all, there are so many mornings when I wake up motivated and pumped, then by noon I want to throw in the towel because this commitment thing too hard. Listen, when I tell you God loves me! It’s God’s love, patience, presence and guidance that keeps me going. He always sends me just what I need in those moments that give me the strength and confidence to press forward.

Here is something else I have learned. The product of commitment is not for display. It’s not something to take pictures of and post for others to see. No, this commitment is sacred. It’s between myself and God. It’s a space that no one else has access to. Unlike back then, and even up until a year or so ago, I felt the need to show people what God was doing behind the scenes. I thought it was more important for me to show/share what God was doing than to let it happen authentically. I did it to be transparent. I was so big on transparency. Little did I know, my transparency was limiting my experiences with God. I was so focused on sharing the process and my testimonies that I couldn’t fully comprehend or embrace what I was experiencing. Whew! When I tell you I am loving this space I’m in! I am finally in a space where only God and I reside—a space that is exclusively for two. No guests allowed.


Anyway, I believe I have written enough. I may or may not delete a few things. However, I believe leaving it as written is probably the most authentic. So, I’ll keep it all. See how easy that decision was. Smile

Here’s the Facebook memory I have been referring to—“Are You All In?” by Bishop T. D. Jakes.

Facebook Memory: May 5, 2017

My answer is still the same—Yes, I’m all in!

Praying you have a peaceful Sunday. Love you!♥️



Hello Sunday

Wise words from last year… and I wrote them. Smile

Facebook Memory: April 28, 2022

Set yourself free! Release past hurts, guilt, disappointments and shame. Harboring even the smallest resentment can make it difficult to receive and enjoy blessings. Release opens doors for receiving love, joy, opportunities, and success. Let go and be free!

It’s true, if you want your life to change for the better, you have to let things go. Holding on to past hurts, grudges, disappointments, and even shame, only hurts you. It also stops you from fully growing and receiving all of God’s wonderful blessings. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I don’t only want some of my blessings. No… l want all of my blessings. Every last single one. Smile. Let it go!

On another note— My daughter came home yesterday for her friends’ wedding and is leaving this afternoon. So, I am going to spend as much time as I can loving on her before she leaves. Smiling

Praying you have a wonderful Sunday!♥️

Love you,



Hello Sunday

Facebook Memory: April 7, 2022

It’s interesting that I shared this post four years ago while attending the same conference I’m at today. Ironically, this message is more relevant today than it was then. God has a way of bringing things full circle, even messages.

I originally shared this photo on April 7, 2018.

At the time of the original share, I was in the process of rebuilding trust—in myself, in those around me, and in my ability to achieve my goals and dreams. I honestly thought it would be easy. Little did I know it would take several years and cycles of reflecting, regrouping, refocusing and rebuilding, to get to where I am today.

Today, I trust myself. I trust myself to make wiser choices. I trust myself to take care of Shaun. Yes, I finally realize I matter, too. Don’t know why it took me so long to accept this fact. Guess I owe it all to Year50.

I also have a good group of people around me who I trust; who I know have my best interests at heart. God has been weeding people out while strengthening my current relationships. My circle is getting smaller but growing stronger.

As far as me trusting in my ability to accomplish my goals and dreams, I am there. I know I can. A few blogs ago, I wrote about my confidence being restored. Well, I owe that to actually trusting myself to do what I set out to do. Things have always been moving in the right direction; however, my confidence and trust and belief in myself had to catch up. Took a minute—a long minute to rebuild this one—but it’s all back! Grateful

This is it for now. Wishing you a restful Sunday.♥️

Take Care,
