
Buckle Up

Life is definitely one interesting ride. If you really want to live, buckle up!♥️ ~Shaun

Facebook Memory: April 29, 2022

Welcome to this ride called, Life! Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, highs and lows. Just when you think you have things figured out, you discover you don’t. My advice– Buckle up and go with the flow. TRUST GOD. He’s ALWAYS in control!

Trust God.

Hello Sunday

Wise words from last year… and I wrote them. Smile

Facebook Memory: April 28, 2022

Set yourself free! Release past hurts, guilt, disappointments and shame. Harboring even the smallest resentment can make it difficult to receive and enjoy blessings. Release opens doors for receiving love, joy, opportunities, and success. Let go and be free!

It’s true, if you want your life to change for the better, you have to let things go. Holding on to past hurts, grudges, disappointments, and even shame, only hurts you. It also stops you from fully growing and receiving all of God’s wonderful blessings. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I don’t only want some of my blessings. No… l want all of my blessings. Every last single one. Smile. Let it go!

On another note— My daughter came home yesterday for her friends’ wedding and is leaving this afternoon. So, I am going to spend as much time as I can loving on her before she leaves. Smiling

Praying you have a wonderful Sunday!♥️

Love you,



Year50: Where The Real Second Chances Begin

Beyond blessed!🦋

I have written numerous posts about second chances. How God is so gracious that He gives us multiple opportunities to get things right, or to achieve our goals and dreams. Over the years, I felt like so many opportunities and time had slipped away. Honestly, I had given up on pursuing certain dreams and aspirations because I believed I had missed my chances. I felt like so many doors and windows had closed and would not reopen. But God!

Now, here I am at age fifty embarking on a new decade, and embracing the second half of my life. Had no idea 50 would be so liberating. As I shared in my previous post, my kids are grown! Like, they are adults. The only responsibility I have is me. The only person I actually have to make decisions for is myself. This is my second chance at adulthood. My chance to pursue my dreams. Smiling

Y’all, God is so good! I promise not to waste time on trivial things. It’s funny because earlier in my adulthood I deemed the years leading up to 50 as my trial and error years, and the years after 50 would be when I lived. Whew!! Y’all, I actually manifested how I wanted to live and then became agitated when my life followed what I had spoken. God really does have a sense of humor, but it’s all based on love. He gave me the experience I asked for (be mindful of what you speak). I am so grateful and blessed that He loves me the way He knows I need to be loved. As always, I am truly blessed.♥️ ~Shaun

This is the blog I shared a year ago on this day, April 20, 2023.


I Am Responsible For Me

I took the following excerpt below from my Wednesday Writings dated April 20, 2022. A few posts ago, I wrote about not knowing how to be single. How, for almost 30 years, my kids have basically been my life. Well, two years ago I was entering my empty nester phase. Didn’t know what to expect. Here’s what I wrote.

Wednesday Writings: April 20, 2022

… in that split second, it dawned on me that I.. yes, me.. am responsible for protecting, supporting, encouraging and loving myself. I.. yes, Shaun.. am responsible for ensuring I live my BEST life. Yes, it’s on me, solely on me. 

Perhaps what my soul is believing for is tied to me believing in myself and loving myself like I’ve never done before. That the only way I can live my best life is to care for myself like I care for my babies. To want for myself the same things I want for them. As many of you know, my son will be graduating in one month. As I’m trying to prepare him for this new wave of freedom he’s about to experience, I’m also preparing myself as well. It’s been about 30 years since I last rolled solo. Anxious to see what lies ahead. 

I said it had been 30 years since I rolled solo. I meant unattached. No man. No kids. Just me, myself, and I. My son will be 21 this year and my daughter is 29, which means they are grown! So, it is time that I explore life without being attached. Not necessarily dating because I am not into the dating thing. Never done it well and now not interested in trying. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still want to get married again. I loved the companionship. My marriage wasn’t all bad. Most of the time it was pretty good. I was the June Cleaver/Claire Huxtable I wanted to be. I made my life what I wanted. I just never loved my husband. He was the rebound guy and I was told (yes…by God) I needed to release him. That that was the only way I could stop pretending to be happy and actually be happy. Listen, you can only pretend for so long. Once the facade starts crumbling, it doesn’t stop until all of you is exposed. Then what? Then, you start living from authenticity.

Anyhoo… I got real sidetracked. Laughing. Well, now, it’s just Shaun, the single lady, and Mother, the advisor. Smiling

Loving life. This is Year50…♥️
