
Hello Sunday

Wise words from last year… and I wrote them. Smile

Facebook Memory: April 28, 2022

Set yourself free! Release past hurts, guilt, disappointments and shame. Harboring even the smallest resentment can make it difficult to receive and enjoy blessings. Release opens doors for receiving love, joy, opportunities, and success. Let go and be free!

It’s true, if you want your life to change for the better, you have to let things go. Holding on to past hurts, grudges, disappointments, and even shame, only hurts you. It also stops you from fully growing and receiving all of God’s wonderful blessings. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I don’t only want some of my blessings. No… l want all of my blessings. Every last single one. Smile. Let it go!

On another note— My daughter came home yesterday for her friends’ wedding and is leaving this afternoon. So, I am going to spend as much time as I can loving on her before she leaves. Smiling

Praying you have a wonderful Sunday!♥️

Love you,



Open The Bottle

Have you been limiting God? Limiting Him to only what you see, know, and have experienced? If so…STOP! Stop limiting Him. He’s not a genie, but you have Him confined to a bottle as if He were one. Instead of allowing Him to work freely, you have limited Him to what you believe you want. The funny thing is, God already knows what you need to reach your fullest potential. And whatever that might be, may not even be on your radar at this moment. Remember, God knows and sees all.

Listen, I am receiving this message as I write. It’s definitely for me too! Whew!!

Open the bottle and let God free! Let Him do His thing! I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

I don’t know about you, but I’m excited!

Thanking God for loving me like only He can. I am definitely blessed. Y’all, I needed this revelation.♥️



The Rebirth: Part 2

Below is a post I wrote last year about my Facebook memory from the year before (December 23, 2021). Guess I have been sharing my memories for a while now—smile. So, since the memory has already been shared, I will use the same quote (too good not to reshare) and piggyback off of what I shared yesterday about rebirth.

The rebirth…

The rebirth will require us to leave things behind. Things that have held us back and/or been haunting us for years, even decades. It’s time to release them so that we can move forward in our purpose.

When I started my journey on this side of 50, I had to release quite a few things (people too, some released themselves). At first, it didn’t feel good. Honestly, it felt like I was losing part of myself including my identity. If you have read any of my monthly “celebratory” blogs (one is coming tomorrow!), you know I went through a spiritual, emotional, and mental pruning phase. Baby, when I tell you it did not feel good! Had me grieving for real. But it helped me see what had to go and what needed to stay. Everything that is still with me today was meant to stay. Now, I still have some decluttering to do but it’s nothing like the pruning. Whew!

Tomorrow, I will be 50 1/2 (smile) and will share another celebratory update about my first six months on this side of 50 (woohoo!). So stay tuned…

You had to leave it/them behind in order to move forward. Couldn’t progress without doing so, and cannot continue to progress by holding on to the guilt. Release the guilt and move forward.

Here is last year’s blog which contains Facebook memories from last year and the year before—December 23, 2022 & December 23, 2021. Enjoy!

Rest is good for the soul. Get some! (Speaking to myself also.☺️)

By the way, I did put up my Christmas tree, played Christmas music and watched Christmas movies most of the day. It changed everyone’s mood. My babies have always fed off of my energy. It’s no different now that they are adults. I still have to set the tone for my little family despite what I may be feeling. I love seeing them smile.

I pray you have a wonderful day. Remember to love on someone today, and allow yourself to be loved on. There is no greater gift than love. Give it. Receive it. I love you!♥️
