
Reblog of April’s Random Ramblings (2022)

I haven’t rambled in quite some time. Smile. Y’all, I used to ramble at least every other month. Sometimes several times a month. Guess I had a lot to say back then. Now, life isn’t necessarily boring, but I do not have as much to write about anymore. That’s why I use my Facebook memories for inspiration.

Two years ago, which is when April’s Random Ramblings was written, I was almost a year into posting daily. Now I am on day 1066. Woohoo!! When I tell you I am so proud of myself! It took me several tries before I actually got the hang of it. I was determined to do it for at least a month. Y’all, I was like the blue heart guy. Laughing. Didn’t know it would be so difficult to be that consistent. Sure, I could have written and scheduled several posts in advance, but I wanted to share my thoughts daily. As I said yesterday, you have to keep trying until you see what you dreamed. Well, I did!

Okay… I didn’t necessarily see myself as a blogger; however, I saw myself connecting with the world sharing hope, love, and kindness, and a few life experiences. Making global connections has always been a lifelong dream; and blogging has allowed me to connect. Now, I’m connecting through TikTok and YouTube. My ultimate dream is to sit among leaders and diplomats from different nations and share my thoughts on hope, kindness and compassion. Listen, by the time I’m done, I’m going to have everyone singing my song, “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony).” I can see it! Smile

Anyhoo… I’m running behind this morning so I’m not going to write much more. If you have time, read “April’s Random Rambling’s,” below. Can’t believe it’s been almost two years since my son graduated from high school. Now, I have a young adult who is getting ready to enter his junior year of college, and he’s working. My babies definitely aren’t babies anymore. Life…

Well, that’s all for now. Wishing you a beautiful, peaceful day!♥️

Love you,




Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Hmmm… I’m pretty patient. How about you?

Over the years, I have learned that it’s better to wait on God than to step out on my own. Believe me, it only took me a few times of “doing me” to realize God’s way and timing are always best.

Here’s what I shared five years ago.

Facebook Memory: April 10, 2019

Happy Hump Day! Here’s today’s social media find. Patience. Be patient. Your day is coming. Your breakthrough is right around the corner. Sound familiar? Sometimes I feel like I’ve been patient long enough. Like I’ve had that good attitude forever, and the results are no where in sight. Real talk.💯 Honestly, it’s hard to stay positive all of the time. However, today I commit to remaining positive no matter what things look like. I know God is working. Yes, God is working.☺️

When I tell you God always sends the right message at the right time. Several blogs ago, I wrote about my first time experiencing anger, which was after my ex refused to sign the divorce papers. Well, it was during that time—probably at the height of my anger (after four years of patiently waiting)—that I happened to see Women Of History’s tweet (in the image above).

After sharing their tweet, I did exactly what was suggested, I carried on with a positive attitude. I put the pain of the wait behind me and started living. Then, one day when I least expected it, I received a call from my lawyer telling me the papers had been signed. Hallelujah!

Y’all, it’s true, it’s always darkest before dawn. If you have been waiting years for something to happen, do not give up. Completely surrender it to God and live. Believe me, once you release it to God, the wait won’t even bother you.

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. Bad weather is forecasted for the entire day, here. Praying the damage is minimal and there are no fatalities.

Be Blessed ♥️



What’s Your View On Life?

What’s your overall take on life?


Overall, I believe life is beautiful. It has its rough moments, but when I think about it, they have never outweighed the good ones. I have had so many more good times than bad.

Facebook Memory: April 4, 2022

How we view life is merely a reflection of what’s in our hearts and souls.♥️

Y’all, yesterday was my first day in years of feeling like I was in my zone. Like I was where I was meant to be, doing what I do best—spreading love and hope. Never knew how much I missed people, especially the students and my colleagues. I also had the opportunity to connect with a few new people. Can’t wait to collaborate with them on upcoming projects. Y’all, I am so excited about where things are headed!

Side Note: Never allow others or bad moments in life to dim your light. Whenever you feel it going out, change your environment with haste. Do not stick around waiting for things or people to change. The longer you wait, the dimmer your light becomes. Keep it glowing!

Well, this is it for now. Praying you have a wonderful day!♥️

Love you,



Words Are Powerful

Facebook Memory: March 19, 2021

Words are powerful. They can either build or destroy. How are you using your words? Are you speaking life or death?

Same question today—how are you using your words? Are you speaking life or death? Are you building or destroying?

Be mindful of what you speak, especially when it comes to speaking about others. Be the person who builds relationships not destroy them. Be the one who speaks life, love, peace, and prosperity over others. I believe whatever we speak, whether over ourselves or others, we receive. Again, be mindful of what you speak. Words are very powerful.

Praying you have a wonderful day!♥️

Love you,




I needed this reminder today because that is exactly what I have been doing lately—overthinking. Last night I told my daughter that I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t turn my mind off. Seems like I have been trying to solve everyone’s problems lately, and none are directly mine. Yesterday, I could feel my body changing. I had become so stressed and tense. Had to force myself to do something other than work or think. Decided to put down my phone and watch “Annie,” the Jamie Foxx and Quvenzhané Wallis one. I needed that bit of relief. I’m promising myself to do better today.♥️ ~Shaun

Facebook Memory: March 12, 2019

Good Morning! Here’s today’s social media find. I’m always thinking… often overthinking. Always trying to figure things out or solve a problem. Life is a mystery. We cannot predict what will happen next. We can only assume what will happen. Very few things in my life, have happened as expected. Honestly, I don’t believe anything has ever gone exactly as planned or imagined. So, today, I plan to stop overthinking and just let go. Totally trusting God.

Praying and trusting God to do His job because it’s not on me to do. I must remember my place. God’s got everyone I am concerned about. Trusting Him.🙏🏽

Small Blessings

Facebook Memory: March 5, 2023

I have discovered it’s not the big, glorious things that make life so interesting. It’s the small things leading to the big ones that are so remarkable and rewarding!

Be mindful of the small blessings.♥️

Take nothing for granted.

That was the caption I used when I shared that date’s Hello Sunday.

Praying you enjoy your day, and remember the small blessings.♥️

Love you,
