
Following God’s Lead

In last year’s blog post I wrote— “You do not have to know where God is taking you; just trust Him to lead.”

Listen, God is the Master of plot twists. For years, you can think your life is headed in one direction only to have it shift in another. I have finally learned to stop trying to guess where He’s taking me—which I now realize was a form of control on my end—and just allow Him to move as He sees fit. All I do now is say, “I see You, God,” and keep on moving. I know He has me in His hands; and wherever He’s taking me is somewhere wonderfully beautiful because He loves me and I trust Him.

My advice. Trust God to lead. Release control and let Him take you wherever He’s taking you—because He’s going to do it anyway. Smile. Resisting only causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. As they say, “Let go and let God.” He knows what’s best and He’s got you! Love you!♥️


Trust Him.

Last year’s blog post:


Keep On Moving

Facebook will create reels for you from past stories shared on a particular date. So, instead of sharing one of my Facebook posts from this date, I am sharing the reel it created. Soul II Soul’s “Keep On Movin’” was the recommended song. I removed the sound from the video for this post; however, if you would like to view the reel as shared, feel free to click the link.

Facebook Stories: April 6, 2023

Much needed reminders.

Here’s Soul II Soul’s Keep On Movin’. First time hearing it in years! Used to be one of my favorite songs.

Praying you have a wonderful day and peaceful weekend.♥️

Love you,



Do You Realize Who You Are?

You may not yet realize who you are; however, others already know. As they say, “They been knew.” Now, it’s time that you know and move forward accordingly. Love you!♥️ ~Shaun

Shaun’s Daily Inspiration: March 23, 2023

Two things to always remember –

  1. WHO you are.
  2. WHOSE you are.

You were not created to blend in. You were created to stand out and make a difference.♥️

You are God’s child.

Celebrate In Advance

Acknowledge where you are, but celebrate where you are going. Where you are is only temporary. Brighter days are ahead.♥️ ~Shaun

Celebrate in advance.

Side Note: Don’t let social media fool you. You are not the only one going through something. Everyone is struggling with something, whether it’s visible or not. Where you are is only temporary.


Unconditional Love Begins Within

Happy Self-Love Saturday!

I spent decades yearning for someone to love me for me. To love all of me unconditionally. To love me not only when I was at my best, but when I was at my worst—insecure, unmotivated, feeling ugly, and unsure of myself. To love me when I did not make the best decisions. To love me through both good and bad times. Just to love me.

Well, I have finally realized and accepted I am that person I spent years searching for. I had to learn to love myself not only when I was up, but also when I was down. Had to learn to stop criticizing and beating myself up over mistakes and bad decisions. Yeah, I had to love and accept all of me.

I am so very thankful I finally—took forever—found me.♥️ ~ Shaun

Facebook Memory: March 2, 2023

You deserve unconditional love, and there is no better person to give it to you than yourself.♥️

Me” by Tamia ♥️


Year 45 Month 8 (February 24, 2019)

Smiling as I think about how far I have come. I actually love who I am—without filters, without trying to fit in, without criticizing myself, without trying to change who I am, without seeking validation from others. I love the woman God created. I am truly His child.

When I originally shared this, I was actually trying to encourage myself to embrace all of me. However, it wasn’t until this year, Year50, that I actually did it. I embraced ALL of me. As I said in my previous post, this has been some year! Not the year I thought it would be, but the year I needed it to be. I’m blessed.♥️ ~Shaun

Facebook Memory: February 24, 2019

Happy Sunday! Here’s today’s social media find. During different stages of my life, I found myself trying to fit in. I didn’t realize that being different was a blessing, not a curse. I’m not going to lie, I still struggle with the fact that I don’t fit in most circles. Guess you can say I’m more like an octagon.😉😁 Multifaceted. I am rare. I’m exactly how God made me. If you find yourself feeling down because you’re not quite like others, remember, you’re God’s child. You’re exactly who you’re supposed to be. Don’t try to change to fit in. Embrace your uniqueness!

When I shared this, I used the hashtag “EitherULoveMeRUDont.” The same applies today. Either you love me or you don’t. The only thing that matters is that I love myself, and I do.☺️